to make executive
the most challenging
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tincidunt consectetur odio, vitae pellentesque nisi accumsan nec. Maecenas tellus lacus, bibendum sollicitudin euismod eget, ullamcorper et nisl. Duis scelerisque mattis mauris id ultricies. Sed eget mauris nunc. Aenean a orci nulla. Donec id velit id lectus blandit cursus. Vestibulum nec fermentum metus. Vestibulum euismod scelerisque hendrerit. Proin felis eros, suscipit eget tellus ac, vulputate euismod ante. Curabitur non pharetra est. Aenean efficitur laoreet dictum. Ut nec auctor libero. Curabitur tellus purus, elementum semper aliquet sed, lacinia et justo.
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Integrated lighting
Featured Products:
Modular panels
Metal staves
Metal baffles
Special Shapes
Take a look at:
The integrated lighting represents an
important plus to enhance the overall ceiling design.
IFC can supply integrated lighting
elements properly conceived to be perfectly fitted in all kind of suspended ceilings
both with visible and hidden structure such as modular panels, open cell, metal
mesh, metal staves, baffles and special shaped panels. IFC range includes recessed and suspended
lighting, grooves, frames, spots, and custom made perforated luminous panels.
lighting are equipped with last led technologies and high performance optics
suitable for each kind of environments such as office, hall, lounges, restaurants,
hotels, shopping centers and airports.
On request IFC can supply a light studio to set
properly the lighting performance according to the project requirement.
Require a IFC lighting consultant for your
ceiling and covering project!