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Metal Ceilings 

Featured Products:

Baffle ceiling
Wall Baffle
Metal baffles
Fox Line

A01 - Brochure


Take a look at:

Medical ceilings


​Kiryat Government Building | Nazareth
The recently renovated Kiryat Government Building in Nazareth features a minimalist design, characterized by the linear architecture of the metal elements used in the ceilings. This architectural approach emphasizes elegance and simplicity, creating functional and modern spaces. The use of metal materials gives the structure a contemporary look, reflecting a commitment to innovation and sustainable design.

In the project:

: ​Baffle Ceiling 30 H64 – 5/10 steel | DL1 wood finishing | TRB “pre-set variable gap” carrier 
pitch 85 mm, gap 55 mm
COMMON AREAS: ​Baffle Ceiling 30 H64 – 5/10 steel | white | TRB “pre-set variable gap” carrier
HALL: ​Baffle Ceiling 40 H25 – 5/10 steel | L13 Chene Irlandais wood finishing | TRB “pre-set variable gap” carrier – pitch 70 mm, gap 30 mm.  
Wall Baffle 40 H25 – 5/10 steel | L13 Chene Irlandais wood finishing | TS carrier – pitch 60 mm, gap 20 mm.