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ANTI-SEISMIC T-GRID system is made up
of a main 3700mm h38 T24 profile, two cross runners of 1200mm and 600mm length, 24mm base and 32mm height. The
main tee grid profiles have an high performance printed hook, while the cross
tees have the patented stainless steel anti-seismic quick-coupling clip which
have a 240 N of tensile strength. This hook is easy to engage, does not unhook
and therefore secures the frame and helps dissipate kinetic energy in the event
of an earthquake.
As all IFC t-grid
systems also ANTI-SEISMIC
T-GRID profiles are made in galvanised steel, properly strengthened by
the sturdy double stitching, performed along the entire profile up to the
coupling point which give better stability and improve t-grid profiles torsion
All main bearing
profiles have an expansion joint, called the "fire joint", which is
designed to properly absorb the structural stretching due to thermal
expansions, material residual stress, and kinetic energy caused by any external
pressure or seismic shocks. Products are tested and certified according to EN
13501-1 and 2 and meet passive fire protection requirements.
To properly
withstand against the seismic actions ANTI-SEISMIC T-GRID must be reinforced with proper
anti-seismic kits to be installed on main 3700 mm profile. A specific report
defines models, quantities, and necessary positions. Therefore, the
anti-seismic kit needs to be sized according to the project specifications, installation
location, ceiling characteristics, plenum height, and other particular factors.
Good design rules
for an earthquake-resistant ceiling include the observation of the entire
system, the evaluation of the fixings to probe the existing ceiling and the
installation of the pendants in the correct way.
When using an
anti-seismic kit, it is necessary to inspect the plenum, supply expansion
joints based on the kind of ceiling, verify system configuration in order to
size anti-seismic systems, and install independent lights.
There are three different models of anti-seismic kits,
properly conceived for different plenum
PLENUM ≤ 500 mm:
consists of a T-grid connector, a regulator and a wind bracing.
PLENUM ≤ 1,2 m:
consists of a cross connector and four slotted bracing profiles to be fixed to
the floor slab. To fasten the bracing to the ceiling, as an alternative to the
traditional system with connecting brackets, the slotted bars can be also bent
on site and fastened directly to the ceiling.
With this kit, the
patented Twister hanger or the standard hangers with adjustable springs can be
used to suspend the ceiling system. Twister is a great option because thanks to
its special shape, it attaches to the profiles in every point, It has a breaking
strength of more than 60 kg; but in seismic zones, the maximum permissible load
is 45 kg.
PLENUM >1,2 m
(height kit): This kit is made up of a proper joint which couple the primary
brace, perpendicular to the plane, with the t-grid profiles, and two inclined
secondary braces which work with the main one to balance the stress actions.
With this kit the ceiling can be suspended only with threaded bars or Nonius
hanger with double safety springs.
A further element
that makes up the earthquake-proof ceiling systems is the perimeter bracket
that acts by friction alone, keeping the T-profiles aligned and preventing the
panels from falling in the event of an earthquake. The bracket can be applied
to the 'C'-shaped perimeter or to the 'L'-shaped model, where it is bent at the
T-GRID profiles the proper choice for seismic zone.
Patented clip | Resist. to tension 240 N
Overlap | Maximum load 12 Kg/sqm
3700 h38 | 1200-600 h32
Antiseismic kit for low plenum < 500 mm
Antiseismic kit for standard plenum < 1,2 m
Antiseismic kit for high plenum > 1,2 m
White | Black | Silver – corrosion resist. C2
Totally white – corrosion resist. C3
RAL/NCS coatings – corrosion resist. C2 | C4
Antimicrobial treatment – corrosion resist. C2 | C4
Product Specifcations

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