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Metal Ceilings System

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Zeta System WS.
Zeta System C.
Plan | 24 Linear Teg.
15 Linear Design

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Mesh ceiling panels range includes both t-grid modular ceiling system and special mesh panels to be installed with hidden “Z” profiles structures

Ceiling panels for T-grid system are 24 Linear Tegular, Plan and 15 Linear Design to be lay in FOX T24 FOX T15 and FOX LINE structure s. These ceiling systems stand out for their modular design made with pre-shaped e xpanded metal mesh panels simply laid in the visible structure. In addition to these models, expanded metal mesh panels with hidden structure such as “Z” system ws and “Z” system c. are available. Both models are made up of custom-made mesh ceiling panels hook on “Z” concealed profiles. To realize these ceiling panels, metal mesh is welded on the panels outline over the edge, in the back or in the front of the smooth lower side. In these last two options a small frame of more or less 10 mm is always visible or semi- concealed.
The best option must be evaluated in relation to the ceiling model and the mesh required. 

Moreover, as all ceiling system also mesh panels can be can coupled with specific acoustic pad to improve the sound absorption and enhance the sound quality of the room. 
High result can be achieved with island ceilings made with mesh acoustic panels integrated with lighting. These architectural elements are widely used in offices, lobbies, cafes and restaurants to create well-defined spaces in acoustic, lighting and design.   

Available in different colors, sizes, edge features and application modes expanded metal ceilings are the right choice for airports, shopping malls, cinemas, entertainment centers and all environments where an high percentage of open area is required. 

Find out more about metal mesh ceilings ask for IFC consultancy.